Tech Troopers

Are you using an old browser version

If you have reached this page it might mean that you are using an old version of your browser.

Using an old browser can cause issues when using the Tech Troopers service, but more important, using an old browser could make your web browsing insecure.

Older versions can be vulnerable for attacks, viruses or other malicious code. We recommend that you update to the latest version of your browser.

If you want help or if you want to know more, please contact Tech Troopers. Call us at 23 96 44 44 (Norway) or 010 151 10 00 (Sweden) or send us an e-mail at

Tech Troopers is a service that can help you with your tech headaches. We offer support through phone, e-mail or home visits and we can help you regardless if your computer, tv or tablet is causing problems.